Wind River is pleased to partner with Managed Health Care Associates, Inc. (MHA) to provide credit card processing and merchant services to its members. While other merchant services providers go on autopilot as soon as you sign on, Wind River believes that the handshake is just the beginning of a successful, service-focused relationship.
You are entitled to a host of benefits through Wind River:
1. Complimentary Statement Evaluation:
Wind River offers a free statement analysis to help you identify any hidden fees or areas where you may be overpaying. Simply provide your contact information and upload a current credit card processing statement using the form on this page. We’ll get back to you within two business days with the results.
2. Transparent Pricing:
You can be assured there are no hidden fees or vague charges appearing on your invoices. Our pricing is competitive from the start and remains competitive throughout our relationship with you.
3. Your Own Relationship Manager:
Direct line access to someone who knows you and your business and is available to answer questions and provide support. Your relationship manager also monitors your processing volume to make sure you continue to qualify for the lowest possible interchange rates from the credit card companies – a service that is unique in the payments industry.
4. Data Security:
In-house experts available to support you in achieving and maintaining data security, breach protection, and PCI compliance.
5. Payment Partner that Earns Your Business Everyday:
Wind River provides an at-will agreement versus locking you into a contract with penalties for termination.
Your Contact

Merchant Services Health Check
As a company that values personal and proactive service, we created this brief questionnaire to evaluate the health of your current payment processing provider.

After the Handshake Service Promise
Early in our history, many competitors would make wild promises about low prices and exceptional service. Too often, those promises were broken – sometimes right after the deal was signed. Wind River didn’t buy into that way of doing business in 1999, and we don’t buy into it today.
We believe that the handshake is the beginning of a long and successful partnership – not the time to flip the autopilot switch or start to break promises. To demonstrate our commitment, we created our After the Handshake promise to our customers and software partners.