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Three Benefits of Integrated Payments on Your Business

Embedded Payments

Software companies make scores of decisions every day that can impact the success of their business. For companies with integrated payments or are considering integration in their software, few decisions are as important as choosing which integrated payment approach will deliver the following benefits:

  1. Added source of revenue
  2. Improved customer experience
  3. Minimized cost

For this reason, Wind River published its latest eBook, Win or Lose by the Path You Choose. It is specifically designed to help software companies choose the optimal payment approach for their business. The book parallels decisions when launching or enhancing integrated payments with key decisions that players make in the Game of Life board game. You can learn more about the benefits of integrated payments with this quick, informative read.

Additionally, you can watch this brief 2-minute YouTube video with highlights of the eBook.

benefits of integrated paymentsIn fact, here’s what one reader had to say:

“As a company, we found that we needed to change our payment path. The approach described in this eBook was key to enhancing our environment. It was the best decision for our customers and our company.”

Jason Plasencia, Vice President of Savance, a business automation software provider

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